The basic sacrament for all Christian life, the portico of life in the spirit and is the door that opens access to the other sacraments. With the new birth by water and word we are freed from sin and regenerated as children of God.
Baptism Requirements
Parents must come to the parish office to fill out a Baptism Registration Form. We ask that parents also bring their child's birth certificate so that we have a copy.
Baptism Classes
Parents and Godparents are required to take one Baptismal Preparation Class before confirming their date of Baptism.
Please call the Parish Office for class dates.
Godparents Requirements
There is a $50 registration fee for each child registering for Saturday Group Baptisms. Private Baptisms are available and have a registration fee of $200 and $50 for every additional child. Please call the rectory ahead of time to schedule an appointment with a Priest for Private Baptisms.
For questions and inquiries on dates please call the Rectory Office (626) 336-2001.
Forgiveness of sins committed after Baptism is granted through this sacrament called the sacrament of conversion, confession, penance or reconciliation. It is celebrated every Friday from 5pm-6pm and Saturday from 4pm-5pm, in our Church or by appointment.
The Holy Eucharist is the central sacrament in which we celebrate the commemoration of the Death and Resurrection of Christ. Children preparing to receive First Communion are enrolled in the 2-year Religious Education Program. The celebration culminates Christian initiation and the faithful are strongly encouraged to receive Holy Communion each time they participate in the celebration of the Eucharist.
For more information please visit our Religious Education page
or call (626) 709-4832.
A serious and personal decision to follow Christ through the Roman Catholic Church. The baptized are more intimately united to the Church because it is the sacrament that gives the Holy Spirit and perfects baptismal grace.
For more information please visit our Religious Education page
or call (626) 709-4832.
Are you an adult who wants to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Communion and Confirmation? The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) provides an avenue for adults to enter the Catholic faith community. Our program offers Catholic classes and formation from October until Easter, when those who are prepared enter fully into the Church at the Easter Vigil Mass.
For more information please visit our Religious Education page
or call (626) 709-4832.
A lifelong covenant between a man and a woman, in which they become a living sign of God's Love for his Church and the world.
Please call 6 months or more in advance to the wedding.
For more information please call the Rectory at (626) 336-2001.
Please note: The Priest is the only person who can approve a Wedding date.
This sacrament is intended to bestow a special grace on the Christian who experiences the natural difficulties of a state of serious illness or old age. Thus the healing power of Our Risen Lord is celebrated for those among us who are sick or dying.
To schedule an appointment please call the Rectory (626) 336-2001